
Tanzanian is a safe and welcoming place for visitors. Still, make sure to read our instructions below to stay on the safe side.

Safety on Safari 

Safety is a major priority for Grassroots safaris. All our driver guides are experienced and put effort into ensuring the safety of our clients.

Safaris take place out in the wild, however, and it is important also for you to pay attention to staying safe. Always follow the instruction of  your safari guide, and above all do not go out in national park without the company of an experienced guide or ranger. 

The following things are important to remember: 

Safety in Tanzania 

Tanzania is widely regarded as one of the safest countries in Africa. This is still true, and Tanzanians are a kind and welcoming people.

However, safety has unfortunately become a growing concern in Tanzania, especially in Dar es Salaam. Grassroots would like to ensure that you remember the following things when in Dar: